What does feminine mean to you? 100 years after women got the vote in the UK, the F-word has become much more difficult to define.
According to mainstream narrative, the feminine used to reside at home, where the children were or where privacy was possible. Where the internal life of contemplation found its space. It spoke instantly of nurturance, supportive structures and the right to play.
Feminine language allowed feelings, intuition, wisdom – capabilities not measured for their efficacy, but valued highly as the thing that Mum brought, different from what Dad brought. Though both Men and Women, boys and girls valued them, needed them. They came home for them. Not because they were an end in themselves, but because they were the gateway to children becoming individuals – their full selves – whatever form that might take.
But after only a few lines of exploring this question, I’m hesitating.
Read more here on Where Is the Feminine here.