Psychosocial Therapy
Who can I be?
In this fast changing world, is it enough to want to fit in? How much of what I need for myself has been shaped by an old system – one that has led to the multiple crises we are now facing? Where is my agency? What story am I telling myself about my ability to be effective for the future?
Indra is an experienced psychosocial therapist, trained in the Human Givens method which focuses on both our ‘given’ emotional drives and our ‘given’ capacities to get them met in a balanced way. She is also qualified in conflict transformation, soft (narrative) power and integral practice.
Indra is available for individual and group work.
“Indra’s unique insights and wisdom truly make our sessions a transformative experience. Through her collaborative sessions, she helps me with recognising my power within, and more importantly to realise that we often are subconsciously under the influence of the present and emerging sociopolitical sphere.” Eva T
For more information, see the Human Givens website, or contact Indra.
Soft Power Consultancy
What’s the story?
If hard power is guns and money – coercion - soft power is the ability to attract and make relationship. With relationship comes influence and the chance to co-create the future. But it all starts with your story. Not the one you choose to tell about yourself through marketing – but the one your actions generate in your audience. For that you and your organisation need to be deeply aligned with your intentions.
See here for A New Story of Us commissioned by the Local Trust in which The Alternative UK engaged with a diverse group of citizens in Plymouth using storytelling and futuring to prepare for post-Covid collaboration.
Re-imagining Social Work
A major commission from the Scottish Executive (Govt.) in 2005-2007, to address the “soft power” of social workers. Pat Kane and Indra Adnan use storytelling, play and re-imagining to help social workers redesign ways of working that align more fully with their insights and skills.
Guardian column by Indra Adnan, “Speaking up for Social Workers”
Guardian feature on RISW, “Playing The Field”
RISW main report and handbook.
Futurist & Entrepreneur
A Different Perspective
Contemplating the future can be overwhelming when so much of what we consider ‘normal’ appears to be breaking down. As we are trying to unlearn the language, culture and structures that led us into the multiple crises of personal, social and planetary well being, it’s hard to feel our way forward.
Yet when we pay attention to the proliferation of green shoots appearing we can see new patterns of being and organising.
What tools, skills and technologies are needed to safely navigate towards a healthy, generative interaction with the evolving world? Who should be my companions and co-creators and who will benefit from our creativity?
Work with Indra to discover how you and your organisation can be part of what is emerging more broadly to take us to a flourishing future.
See here for the Bounce Beyond project Indra is currently co-leading.